

努斯庫爾(Numskull)和比特圖局(Bitmap Bureau)合作發布位圖局收藏這是一種新的三場比賽,其中包括英國開發人員到目前為止的整個輸出。

今年夏天,Bitmap局的收藏集中粉碎電視- 風格的射手Xeno危機,自上而下的黑客斜線史詩戰斧,側滾動的擊敗最終報仇

“ Xeno危機感覺就像是遊戲時代的失落經典,”我們的朋友在任天堂生活中說了8/10評論。 “對休閒球員的嚴厲挑戰可能是令人反感的,但是您可以在類型中可以找到一些最激烈,最令人上癮的爆炸動作來獎勵奉獻精神。說服同伴加入,並且您擁有合作經典的材料。”

最終仇殺者被給予7/10, with the review stating that it "does an able job of using and enhancing tried and tested formulas of the past, and is great fun for either one or two players. There's still room for experimentation in this genre with regard to original systems, and sadly Final Vendetta doesn't really attempt any of that, instead opting for more traditional '90s arcade fare – albeit with lots of variation in how you smack people around. If that's enough to tickle your fancy, you'll feel well-served by Bitmap Bureau's stab, but others might feel like they've walked this street before."

可悲的是,任天堂生活不是相當被戰斧迷住了給它5/10。 “戰斧是對過去的經典駭客和斜線街機的敬意,這被某種相當乏味和重複的動作拖延了下來,”判決是判決。 “如果只有幾個曲折和少量級別的曲折,那麼這可能是值得一遊的,但是當事情站立時,這是一個相當忘記的東西。”